Steven Meisel techniques: (Vogue cover – ‘Patterns’)

The public has always reviewed Steven Meisel’s work as controversial. To get the best photographs, as with all photographers, Meisel has to put a lot of input in to each photograph with the models. His technique to get the best shot involves pushing the boundaries with the compositions and the settings. Looking at Meisel’s Vogue cover ‘Vogue Patterns’, he used a ladder to photograph the model and leans forward to get the eye contact between the two. The background used in this shot blends in with the model’s dress, the lighting is quite soft and not too harsh and there is direct eye contact with the model and the camera to produce more chemistry for the shot. The photograph is set in thirds with the models position and the pose the model is situated in (the position of both her arms and legs) creates the effect of triangles. Looking at the Vogue cover, I believe the shot has been Photo shopped to fade out the magazine title and the headline ‘First look at spring’, to make the models face and body position technique the key feature of the whole cover.

‘Vogue Patterns’ –

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